Was feeling down and so I took time to do a little reflection and here are my thoughts and timeline:
21 Feb 2020:
CFO notified us of the pay cut due to COVID-19.
He'd given us 3 option.
It was such a heavy-hearted Friday for any decision. I thought my leaving will be the better solution cos Steph is planning for a baby now and I'm not even married. But Alize was nice to ask me to secure a job before leaving.
Initial instinct was to call people to grumble about how this whole situation has been very unfair/unjustifiable but I felt a sense of needing to pray about the whole process first before I speak (probably also because I'm heading to prayer meet and am serving before that and didn't want to go with such "bitter" heart/attitude.)
I'm secure that God is my judge and I do not need to worry. He who has seen me through the darkest time will never fail to show up and see me through yet another valley. That He has His plan for me and that even though I can't see it now, all I have to do is cling onto Him.
25 Feb 2020:
Alize didn't want to make a decision as to whether Steph or me to leave so she sacrificed herself and serve her notice term (2 months) without taking a pay cut.
12 March 2020:
Went for 2 interview
Morning one was a 2nd interview which I had wanted cos I'll be able to learn new things but the interview turn out very bad.
Late morning: The interview went pretty smoothly which I was surprised because I didn't expect that after going through the earlier interview. Jobscope is also something similar, with opportunities to grow too.
13 March 2020:
The interview in the late morning one called me back and offered me the job! I was surprised because initially, they said will let me know again in 2 weeks but they got back in 1 day. However, the HR will need to do clearance and checks and will only be able to get back to me in 2 weeks. I was pleasantly surprise and shock. I applied for the job because Steph kept recommending me this sector and so I tried even though I don't think I'll get it.
Scoring an interview was privilege enough, being considered as a suitable candidate was God-given. :,) seriously. cos' I know where I stand (not humble brag but low confident) I was given till 17 March to make a decision. (Didn't take up the offer immediately because I'll need to discuss with W first, and probably also because I was hesitant due to the pay and distant, otherwise the rest are perfect. And maybe a part of me wish that situation in the company will turn for the better.)
17 March 2020:
I accepted the offer verbally through the phone. They'll need to do all the checks first before offering me the official contract which will take about 2 weeks.
18 March 2020:
Contemplated to tendered my resignation before signing the official contract of not.
If I resigned and the company come back not being able to offer me officially (even though the HR did it verbally through phone), then I'll be left hanging.
If I don't resign, then I'll have to sign the contract to agree to take a pay cut.
Weikang assured me and this message from me comforted me and gave me the courage and push to go ahead.
In his word:
If you're ok, we can take this leap of faith together. Ya there's uncertainty but God has opened this path for you, I think the reference and clearance background check should work out.
And so, I tendered my resignation with Genesis, requesting to service my 1-month notice till 24 April 2020 (same as Alize).
27 March 2020:
I met up with Jolene and told her the whole situation. I told her that even though I have yet to sign the contract and according to my plan, my last day of employment will be 24 April 2020 and that I will start new employment on 1 May 2020, giving myself a week break. She reminded me that if this is what I've planned then no matter what's the outcome, give myself that one week break and have a good rest.
3 April 2020:
Met Weikang at Tanjong Pagar for dinner and decided to walk home (and we did! and it was a nice long walk)
I don't know why but worries came over me. I guess it was also because the 2 weeks mark has passed and I didn't hear back from the HR. By now the COVID situation was sort of reaching another peak in Singapore and Circuit Breaker was introduced and will take effect from 7 April 2020 to 4 May 2020. Worries of the probability of not getting the job are high, the worry of not being able to find a job too. As I speak, I started tearing but I realize that as I verbalize my thoughts, I had a clearer picture of where God stands in the picture in my heart. I was once again comforted by Weikang of God's love. And that was probably all I needed at that moment.
7 April 2020:
They called me back and retracted the offer. Throughout the whole process of the interview, COVID is happening. When I received the news that the offer was retracted, Circuit Breaker just started.
People asked me to withdraw my resignation letter, though I was half-hearted I proceed to do it cos I thought that will be the best solution (looking at the fact that this whole pandemic will last a while and the impact on the economy will be huge.) Alize couldn't withdraw my resignation because Steph is still in the company and that my leaving will fulfill the requirement of CFO. And so I left Genesis without securing a job during this difficult time.
I took some time to digested this whole career saga that had just happened to me the past 1 month plus.
- Me "losing my job" (I know I resigned but it felt as if I lose my job) feels like I lost a part of me, as if I lost a part of my identity.
- Hesitant to withdraw my resignation. Was it cos of pride? Yes. And more so than ever probably also because of the insecurity of the job even if I got to withdraw my resignation.
- Rejected withdrawal of resignation- upset.
- Am I secure that God provides? YES. Even in this crisis time when employment seems impossible, God works through possibility.
Matthew 6:34 Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
The 1 week break that I wanted- wanted to rest and to "reset" my character at work. To bring the good that I've learn from Genesis and to throw off the bad(afraid of helping others cos in "her" mindset, helping others means the responsibility will fall on us).
Now that I'll officially be in the process of job seeking, I will keep in mind of the 1 week break I am giving myself๐ช