Friday, February 28, 2014

#CNY throwback

CNY in office

it was "ren re" that day and so we did lou hei in the office.

regardless of nationality, all of us enjoy lou hei. :D

CNY at Audrey's house with LG. 

CNY at Ashley's house! OH MY GOD! Did I tell you that I love frenchie? THEY ARE TOO CUTE!

CNY at Wanqi's house. It's a yearly affair. All of us just love the meatball her mum made. It's so damn good.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Just a thought

What defines you

Is it the brand of your car? Is it the brand of your bag? Is it the kind of restaurant you dine at? Or is it the people that you hang out with?

All these has no substance to define that you in you
It's what you belief that defines you. Because what you believe, makes you become. 

Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Character is everything.

My identity is not base on my surrounding, nor the people around me. My identity is base on Christ, who is the unchanging one

Sunday, February 02, 2014


every year's CNY chu 1, i'll head to town with Desiree for movie ( ok not every year but at least for the last 2 years) so it's no diff this year, just that Yingjie came to join us :)

watched Robocop. the movie was .. soso?
after that we chill in town for a while and then head to Jolene's house for blackjack.

#ootd for CNY chu 1. not colourful at all cos not going anywhere to bai nian.

and so, service for this week was changed to Sunday cos of CNY.

This is what they call "马上有钱” cos Gui's zodiac is horse. LOL

us at Maurise's house. went Denise's house then Jia Hui's house. a day of visitation is a day well spent. 
looking forward to tomorrow cos Jiahui and I are meeting Xingni for lunch, a powerful women of God. so looking forward to catching up with her. :)